Connect with local birders today – and explore the world of birds with Birfa!

Birding is always more fun with friends! Find and join other birders near you and share unforgettable birding experiences.

Find your flock with Birfa

Connect with birding enthusiasts in your area and beyond with Birfa, where you’ll discover a community of like-minded individuals who share your passion.

Enhance your birding skills

Enhance your birding skills and knowledge by learning from other birders on Birfa, the social app for birders that provides a platform for sharing tips, identifying species, and more.

Make a difference for birds

By joining the Birfa, you’re also making a difference for bird conservation and habitat protection. Join us in our mission to promote awareness and diversity in birding, and to create a brighter future for our feathered friends.

Connecting Birders Everywhere

How Birfa works

Birfa is a social app for birders, where you can find and connect with other bird lovers, chat with your birding friends, share pictures and other birding content, schedule field trips and much more.

Watch this video to see how Birfa can help you enjoy birding more and discover new places, species, and people.

Ready to join the Birfa? Download the app today from Google Play or App Store and start your birding adventure.

Take Your Birding to the Next Level

Explore the Features of Birfa

Discover the many features of Birfa, the social app for birders, designed to enhance your birding experience and connect you with other birding enthusiasts.

Connect with birders near you
Stay in touch with new birding friends on the app
Organize and join field trips with Birfa’s scheduling feature
Learn from experienced birders and enhance your skills
Promote bird conservation and environmental awareness with Birfa

Join the Flock

From birding tips to stunning photos, stay connected with the Birfa community on social media and take your love of birds to new heights.